Demo: Metasurface-Enabled 5G mmWave for Roadside Networking

Live demo implementation at MobiCom 2024.
Live demo implementation at MobiCom 2024.


We present Wall-Street, a smart surface designed for vehicles to boost 5G mmWave connectivity for passengers. It improves mmWave connections in three ways: (1) it steers outdoor mmWave signals into the vehicle, ensuring all users have coverage; (2) it enables the vehicle to receive data from the current cell while measuring signals from potential handover cells, allowing smooth transitions without interruping service; (3) during handovers, it combines/splits signals from/to both the current and new cells, creating a make-before-break connection. Our demonstration shows Wall-Street’s versatile signal manipulation abilities. These include steering single beams, simultaneously reflecting and transmitting beams for neighboring cell measurements with concurrent communication, and combining or splitting beams for seamless cell transitions.

The Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking (MobiCom 24)
Kun Woo Cho
Kun Woo Cho

My research interests include wireless networked systems, smart surface, and AI-assisted networks.