Kun Woo Cho

Kun Woo Cho

Email: kwcho@princeton.edu

Phone: (716) 445-7351

I will be joining the ECE Department at Rice University as a postdoctoral researcher, working with Prof. Ashu Sabharwal. I completed my PhD in CS at Princeton University with Prof. Kyle Jamieson. I received the Siebel Scholarship, EECS Rising Stars, and Princeton SEAS Excellence Award.

Previously, I did my research internship at Meta (formerly Facebook) in 2021, University of Cambridge with Prof. Cecilia Mascolo in 2017, and University at Buffalo with Prof. Wenyao Xu from 2015 to 2018.

My research goal is to build cross-layer designs of programmable, high-frequency smart surfaces, to make NextG networks faster, more interference-free, and more reliable.


  • Wireless Networked Systems
  • Smart Surfaces
  • AI-Assisted Networks
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2024

    Princeton University

  • M.A. in Computer Science, 2020

    Princeton University

  • B.S. in Computer Engineering with highest honor, 2018

    University at Buffalo, SUNY